Kaori Fuyuto
Works in Los Alamos, NM, USA
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Professional Experiences
Oct. 2022 - Present Staff Scientist, Theoretical Division (T-2), LANL
Aug. 2019 - Sep. 2022 Director's Fellow, Theoretical Division (T-2), LANL
Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2019 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Apr. 2016 - Aug. 2016 JSPS Research Fellow, Saga University
2013 - 2016 Doctor of Science (Physics), Nagoya University, Japan
2011 - 2013 Master of Science (Physics), Nagoya University, Japan
2007 - 2011 Bachelor of Arts and Science (Physics), Aichi University of Education, Japan
1. Best Poster Award: “Electroweak phase transition in the singlet-extended SM”,
Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2015, Toyama, Japan, February 15, 2015
2. 9th Particle Physics Medal : Young Scientist Award in Theoretical Particle Physics,
[ Phys. Rev. D 90, no. 1, 015015 (2014) ]
Group on Theory of Elementary Particles, Japan, March 23, 2015
[] (only Japanese)
- What's the matter? : a cross-frontier pursuit of the origin of matter,
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, August 22 - September 2, 2022
Djuna Croom (Durham U), Julia Harz (TUM), Joachim Kopp (CERN/JGU), Brian Shuve (Harvey Mudd College)
- Testing CP-Violation for Baryogenesis,
ACFI UMass Amherst, March 29-31, 2018
Stefania Gori (U. Cincinnati), Ann Nelson (U. Washington), Michael Ramsey-Musolf (UMass Amherst)
- Matter over Antimatter: The Sakharov Conditions After 50 Years,
Lorentz Center@Snellius, Leiden, the Netherlands, May 8-12, 2017
Ubirajara van Kolck (Orsay/U Arizona), Rob Timmermans (Groningen U), Jordy de Vries (Amsterdam U)