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​( For more details, see inspire. )

1. C-W. Chiang, G. Cottin, Y. Du, K. Fuyuto and M. Ramsey-Musolf,

 Collider Probes of Real Triplet Scalar Dark Matter, [arXiv:2003.07867]

2. W. Dekens, J. de Vries, K. Fuyuto, E. Mereghetti and G. Zhou,

 Sterile neutrinos and neutrinoless double beta decay in effective theory, [arXiv:2002.07182]

3. K. Fuyuto, W-S. Hou and E. Senaha,

 Cancellation mechanism for the electron electric dipole moment connected with the baryon asymmetry of the Universe,

 Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) 011901 [arXiv:1910.12404]

4. K. Fuyuto, X-G He, G. Li and M. Ramsey-Musolf

 CP-violating Dark Photon Interaction, [arXiv:1902.10340]

5. J. de Vries, P. Draper, K. Fuyuto, J. Kozaczuk and D. Sutherland

 Indirect Signs of the Peccei-Quinn Mechanism,

    Phys. Rev. D99 (2019) 015042 [arXiv:1809.10143]​

6. K. Fuyuto, M. Ramsey-Musolf and T. Shen

 Electric Dipole Moment from CP-Violating Scalar Leptoquark Interactions,

 Phys. Lett. B788 (2019) 52 [arXiv: 1804.01137]

7. K. Fuyuto, H.L. Li and J.H. Yu

 Implications of hidden gauged U(1) model for B anomalies,

 Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 115003 [arXiv: 1712.06736]

8. K. Fuyuto and M. Ramsey-Musolf

 Top Down Electroweak Dipole Operator,

 Phys. Lett. B781 (2018) 492-498 [arXiv: 1706. 08548]

9. K. Fuyuto, W.S. Hou and E. Senaha

 Electroweak baryogenesis driven by extra top Yukawa couplings,

 Phys. Lett. B776 (2018) 402-406 [arXiv: 1705.05034]

10. K. Funakubo, K. Fuyuto and E. Senaha

  Does a band structure affect sphaleron process?
  [arXiv: 1612. 05431]

11. C-W. Chiang, K. Fuyuto and E. Senaha

​     Electroweak Baryogenesis with Lepton Flavor Violation,

  Phys.Lett. B762 (2016) 315-320 [arXiv:1607.07316]

12. K. Fuyuto, J. Hisano and E. Senaha,

 Toward verification of electroweak baryogenesis by electric dipole moments,

 Phys.Lett. B755 (2016) 491-497  [arXiv:1510.04485].

13. K. Fuyuto, W. S. Hou and M. Kohda,

 Z’-induced FCNC Decays of Top, Beauty and Strange Quarks,

 Phys.Rev. D93 (2016) no.5, 054021 [arXiv:1512.09026].

14.  K. Fuyuto and E. Senaha,

 Sphaleron and critical bubble in the scale invariant two Higgs doublet model,

 Phys. Lett. B 747, 152 (2015) [arXiv:1504.04291].


15. K. Fuyuto, W. S. Hou and M. Kohda,

 Loophole in K to \pi \nu \nubar Search and New Weak Leptonic Forces,

 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, no. 17, 171802 (2015) [arXiv:1412.4397].


16. K. Fuyuto and E. Senaha,

 Improved sphaleron decoupling condition and the Higgs coupling constants in the real singlet-extended standard model,  Phys. Rev. D 90, no. 1, 015015 (2014) [arXiv:1406.0433].


17. K. Fuyuto, J. Hisano, N. Nagata and K. Tsumura,

 QCD Corrections to Quark (Chromo)Electric Dipole Moments in High-scale Supersym- metry,

 JHEP 1312, 010 (2013) [arXiv:1308.6493].


18. K. Fuyuto, J. Hisano and N. Nagata,

 Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Induced by the Strangeness Revisited,

 Phys. Rev. D 87, 054018 (2013) [arXiv:1211.5228].


1. " Top-driven electroweak baryogenesis ", HPNP 2019, Osaka University, Japan, February 18-22, 2019

2. " EDM Implications for BSM Physics ",

 ACFI Workshop : Theoretical issues and experimental opportunities in searches for time reversal invariance violation

 using neutrons, Amherst, USA, December 6-8, 2018 (Invited)

3. " Status and new ideas in electroweak baryogenesis "

 IPA 2018 : Interplay between Particle and Astroparticle physics, Cincinnati, USA, October 8-12, 2018 (Invited)

4. " CP-violating Dark Photon Interaction "

 TALENT 2018 : Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos, Seattle, USA, July 9-27, 2018

5. "Electroweak Baryogenesis with Lepton Flavor Violation",

 COFI Workshop: Searching for Physics Beyond the Standard Models Using Charged Leptons,

 Puerto Rico, USA, May 21-26, 2018 (Invited)

6. "CP violation in Top Physics ",

 ACFI Workshop : Testing CP-Vilation for Baryogenesis, UMass Amherst, USA, March 29-31, 2018

7. "CP-violating observables with top quark", BLV2017, Cleveland, USA, May 15-18, 2017

8. "Flavor-changing electroweak baryogenesis",

 Focus Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, IBS-CTPU, Daejeon, Korea, December 5-9, 2016 (Invited)

9. "Phenomenological aspects of electroweak baryogenesis",

​ Baryons over antibaryons: the nuclear physics of Sakharov, ECT*, Trento, Italy, July 25-29, 2016 (Invited) 

10. “Aspects of CP violation in electroweak baryogenesis”, Pheno 2016, Pittsburgh, USA, May 9–11, 2016

11. “Phenomenological aspects of electroweak baryogenesis (Japanese)”,

   Annual (70th) meeting, Tohoku-gakuin University, Japan, March 19-22, 2016

12. “Verification of electroweak baryogensis (Japanese)”,

   Tera-scale meeting, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, December 21–23, 2015 (Invited)


13. “Aspects of CP violation in electroweak baryogenesis”,

   Dark Side of the Universe 2015, Kyoto, Japan, Dec 14–18, 2015


14. “Aspects of CP violation in electroweak baryogenesis”,

  NCTS Annual Theory Meeting 2015, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec 9–12, 2015

15. “Probing electroweak baryogensis by electric dipole moment (Japanese)”,

  JPS 2015 Fall meeting, Osaka city University, Japan, September 20–23, 2015


16. “Electroweak phase transition and Higgs boson couplings in the scale-invariant 2HDM”,

 Pheno 2015, Pittsburgh, USA, May 4–6, 2015

15. “Electroweak phase transition in the singlet-extended SM”,

  Asian Linear Collider Workshop, KEK, Japan, April 20–24, 2015

16. “Electroweak phase transition in the scale-invariant two Higgs doublet model : Revisited (Japanese)”,

 JPS 2014 Annual (70th) meeting, Waseda University, Japan, March 26–29, 2015

17. “Improved sphaleron decouping condition and the Higgs coupling constant in the real singlet-extended standard                model (Japanese)”,  JPS 2012 Fall meeting, Saga Univer- sity, Japan September 11–14, 2014


18. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electrid Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

   Basis of the Universe with Revolutionary Ideas 2014, Toyama, Japan, February 13–14, 2014


19. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electrid Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

 PASCOS2013, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20–26, 2013

20. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electrid Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

 SUSY2013, Trieste, Italy, August 26–31, 2013

21. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electrid Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

  KEK-PH 2013 FALL, KEK, Japan, September 30–October 3, 2013

22. “Effect on neutron electric dipole moment from strange quark (Japanese)”,

   JPS 2013 Fall meeting, Hiroshima University, Japan, September 16–19, 2013

23. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry (Japanese)”,

  JPS 2013 Fall meeting, Kochi University, Japan Japan March 24–27, 2013

24. “Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Induced by the Strangeness Revisited”,

 KEK-PH 2013, KEK, Japan, March 4–7, 2013


1. " EDM implications for BSM Physics ", University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA, April 5, 2019

2.  " CP-violating top quark couplings ", Nagoya University, Japan, March 8, 2019

3. " EDM implications for new CP-violating interactions ", UC Irvine, USA, December 5, 2018

4. " CP-violating top quark couplings ", UC Riverside, USA, December 4, 2018

5. " Possibility of new CP-violating interactions ", California Institute of Technology, USA, November 26, 2018

6. " CP violation in Top Physics ", McGill University, Canada, November 14, 2018

7. " CP violation in Top Physics ", Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, October 18, 2018

8. "Verifiability of electroweak baryogenesis in an extended Standard Model ", KEK, Japan, August 2, 2016

9. "Verification of electroweak baryogenesis (Japanese) ", Saga University, Japan, July 13, 2016

10. "Aspects of CP violation in electroweak baryogenesis", University of Minnesota, US, April 27, 2016

11. "Aspects of CP violation in electroweak baryogenesis", National Central University, Taiwan, March 9, 2016

12. “Probing our Universe with particle physics (Japanese)”, Aichi University of Education, Japan, October 9, 2015

13. “Electroweak phase transition and Higgs coupling in the scale-invariant 2 Higgs dou- blet model (Japanese)”,   

 Saitama University, Japan, July 3, 2015


14. “Electroweak phase transition and Higgs coupling in the singlet-extended SM (Japanese)”,

 Shimane University, Japan, February 27, 2015

15.  “Electroweak phase transition and Higgs coupling in the singlet-extended SM (Japanese)”,

 Saga University, Japan, February 4, 2015

16. “Electroweak phase transition and Higgs coupling in the singlet-extended SM (Japanese)”,

 Osaka City University, Japan, December 16, 2014


17. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymme- try”,

    National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan, June 19, 2014


18.  “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

    National Taiwan University, Taiwan, June 9, 2014


19. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry”,

    National Central University, Taiwan, June 6, 2014

20. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymme- try (Japanese)”,

    Toyama University, Japan, April 11, 2014

21. “QCD Corrections to Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in the High-scale Supersymmetry (Japanese)”,

     Niigata University, Japan, December 5, 2013


1. “Probing our Universe with particle physics ~ mystery of missing antimatter~ (Poster, Japanease)",

 Science forum for Young Female Researchers,  Nagoya University, Japan, August 10, 2015

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2. “Probing our Universe with particle physics ~origin of our Universe~ (Poster, Japanese)”,

 Science forum for Young Female Researchers at Nagoya University, Nagoya University, Japan, August 6, 2014

 [ ]

3. TYL Science Camp for Female High School Students (Panel discussion, Japanese)

 [ ], KEK, Japan, April 3-4, 2014


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